Who are these Carmelite Nuns?
"They are cloistered nuns who have given their lives to God to pray for the world, observing perpetual abstinence and the austerities of the Carmelite Rule.
In this materialistic age, Cloistered Nuns are looked upon as drones in the bee-hive. All that the world appreciates is what it can see and hear, touch or taste--hence the age old cry: Why don't they DO SOMETHING?
Did not the same cry ascend to the ears of Christ as He hung dying on the Cross?
'If thou be the Christ, come down from the Cross:' Did He come down? Was He DOING SOMETHING by staying on the Cross?
Well do we know the answer.
In their Cloistered Monastery in Mobie, the nuns continue Christ's work for souls--by doing nothing, except to pray, even as did their Lord and God. They pray for all who are in distress, who have special urgent intentions and who appeal to them to beg God's help in distress, who have special urgent intentions and who appeal to them to beg God's help in their time of trial and affliction."
Mother Francis of the Five Wounds, O.C.D.